4 ideas to reduce your carbon footprint when traveling
Travel is picking up its pace, while vaccination has been playing an important role in encouraging us to continue with plans that were suspended for months. But this time, we will certainly retake trips with a renewed awareness about the impact our actions leave behind us and try to take care of our planet with actions such as keeping our carbon footprint when traveling to a minimum.
As a consequence, sustainable travel is becoming more relevant and meaningful than before: Leaving a positive footprint while traveling is part of the bucket list when planning an adventure, a retreat or a vacation.
In this regard, Booking.com published its 2021 Sustainable Travel Report that compiles the responses of almost 30,000 people from 30 different countries.
Some highlights:
- In the United States alone, 46% have changed their opinion about sustainable travel and a very similar percentage say they practice more recycling and reduced food waste.
- 65% seeks to live authentic experiences from the region and culture visiting.
- 81% would stay in sustainable accommodation at least once this year (compared to 74% in the 2020 report).
- About 75% are willing to take responsibility for their travel impact while reducing their carbon footprint, energy and water consumption, and waste; and they use more environmentally friendly transportation methods.
And today that Tourism Industry shows a tangible committment to care for the environment, preserve the flora and fauna of the region where hotels, tour operators and services are established at, as well as actively helping communities of which they are a part, it becomes easier and easier to travel and leave a positive footprint while traversing the world. By the way, you will be interested in taking a look at the sustainable practices that we have adopted at Velas Resorts; our commitment to take care of our beautiful settings so that many generations to come can enjoy them as well.
We share 4 ideas to put a responsible trip into practice without taking even a bit of fun off.
1. Visit local communities
The essence of many places is preserved almost intact in the communities that remain on the fringes of the most recent advances. They respect and cherish their traditions, they keep their grandparents’ recipes alive, they jealously guard their ancestral beliefs, and in many cases it is a great joy for them to receive visitors to share a little of their magical world.

You will take away a memorable time and the satisfaction of having contributed to the economy of that region, while the communities will be left with a happy heart to have imprinted something unique to your trip.
2. Stay longer
Yes! Longer vacations mean fewer flights per year. Did you know that the aviation industry, although relatively small, has accounted for 4-9% of the total climate change caused by humanity? Now that many companies have the flexibility to allow collaborators to work from home, it is a good time to take advantage of the opportunity to take long trips.

3. Opt for public transportation
The best way to feel immersed in the culture of the place you visit is perhaps ointeracting with the locals during a journey on public transport. On the other hand, if you are an avid cyclist, it is very likely that you will find places to rent bikes and thus meet new cycling friends.

The locals will be able to share with you the best tips and points of interest, and you reduce the emission of polluting gases.
4. Calculate your carbon footprint
The Ocean Foundation has created an online calculator to measure your carbon footprint before traveling; from the means of transport you will use to reach your destination, to the accommodation and the way you travel from one point to another during the trip. This way you will have a clear panorama as to how much C02 you are emitting, and even be able to help offset that footprint.

Find the calculator here!
Four brief tips but certain to generate a great change if many of us start to apply. One last tip! Before leaving home on this long-awaited trip, do not forget to disconnect all electronic devices that will not be in use during your absence. This way you add more points to your sustainable practices!
Have great, sustainable trip!