7 unmistakable signs that you are part of the Travel Junkies
Traveling is one of the most incredible, addictive adventures in the world. That indescribable feeling between nerves, excitement and stress —all together and at the same time—, when you are planning the next adventure is just the beginning of the magic around travels.
The fact is that trips bring something new to our own life experience, and we all have a very special reason to travel. They promise new adventures, a broader vision of the world, they represent the opportunity to strengthen bonds with the people you travel with, to feel freedom in its maximum expression, to enrich many aspects such as your cultural heritage, your knowledge, your social skills, and in the end, growing as a human being.
If you have any doubts about whether you are part of the ‘travel junkies’ or not, take a look at our list of 7 unequivocal signs so that you can confirm it once and for all.
1. Your house is your temporary home

Now that travel restrictions allow it, you spend little time at home. As soon as you arrive, you feel a tingle and you long to start planning the next trip, and you visualize yourself boarding the next flight that will take you to that place that is on your wishlist.
2. You are a specialist in finding the best prices

You have all the travel apps available and you master the art of comparing prices online. You know where to look for the best recommendations on where to go, things to do and even where to eat. Once you give the expected “click” on the reserve button, sparkles come out of your eyes and you count the days until that moment arrives.
3. You invest a large part of your savings in travel

Admit it, as soon as an extra payment arrives, you save it by thinking about your next adventure. You cut expenses that seem futile, and you prefer to save that money to explore more on your next trip. The best Christmas gift you can receive is an envelope with money for the trip you already have in mind.
4. One of the things you enjoy the most is reading travel blogs and magazines

You love to spend hours reading travel magazines, and you gobble up all the available information about your next destination. In your search markers you have the largest collection of blogs and sites related to the places you want to visit; you follow Youtubers who specialize in the subject and listen to podcasts that talk about travel.
5. You have bills of different currencies

Before spending the last coins and bills during your trip, you prefer to save a couple (and if possible of each denomination) to keep in your wallet. At home you have a piggy bank or container with so many coins that it is difficult to calculate how many there are.
6. You don’t fully unpack

Part of the pre-trip fun is packing your bags, but what’s the point in unpacking your passport, travel slippers, electrical adapters, and other useful items while you’re traveling, if the next adventure could be right around the corner?
7. You have many friends from around the world

It is very easy to meet new people during your travels, so you keep the contact of the most significant people you have met, with codes from different countries. Deep down you hope to welcome them to your city when they travel to your country, or visit them when you return to theirs and have the best tips first hand.
Now that you recognize yourself as a Travel Junkie, have you ever thought of the reasons that inspire you to travel?
Here we share some of the reasons that our guests have shared with us:
Happy next trip!
#TravelTo #VelasResorts