Is organic food really better?

Organic food belongs to an evergrowing market, yet there are still doubts about whether it could serve a significant shift in health and the environment.
The same applies to organic meat. Regulations dictate that cattle must live in conditions that make them behave naturally, that they follow a 100% organic diet and that antibiotics, and hormones are not administered.
Specialized agencies are responsible for guaranteeing compliance with these guidelines, such as the USDA in the United States, and SENASICA in Mexico.
The environment is the most eminent beneficiary when talking about organic food:
- By replacing artificial substances with organic fertilizers for cultivation, its composition is enhanced, while promoting the distribution of nutrients and water in the soil.
- This causes the crops to have lower levels of dense metals, which in the long term yields health benefits to those who consume these vegetables and fruits.
- Some studies show that organic farms have a lower environmental impact than conventional ones, who became one of the main causes of methane emission, a greenhouse gas that linked to global warming.
- The transfer of livestock to the slaughterhouse cannot take more than 10 hours, which causes a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions, on the other hand, non-organic livestock can take up to 36 hours.
Such foods that come from a clean soil—in the case of crops—and well-maintained animals offer additional benefits versus non-organic products, for instance, the consumption of pesticide-free products, chemicals, hormones, and antibiotics just to name a few. So if you’re looking to be part of sustainable movement, it is an excellent time to choose organic over conventional.
Only when making a conscious shift in our daily habits, and verifying that our foods are organic, is how we can start to make a difference.