Shared traditions: St. Patrick’s Day
It is not surprise the warmth the tradition of St. Patrick’s Day was embraced within Mexico. This day is celebrated every March 17th with all the festive spirit of the Irish community that lives in this country.
But this celebration dates back to thousands of years, with an interesting correspondence between Celts and Indigenous Mexican cultures.
Astronomical phenomena have always found an explanation among different cultures around the world through their legends, and spring equinox is no exception. Both of these cultures built structures, which let in the sun to fully light up specific chambers in the morning of spring and autumn equinoxes.

The ancient Celts celebrated an important moment on the calendar when day and night last exactly the same time, marking the climax of springtime. This festivity was dedicated to spring goddess Ēostre, which later became part of Christian celebrations as Easter and had a close relationship with St. Patrick’s Day.

In Mexico, the equinoxes marked agricultural cycles and allowed them to specify the rainy seasons, so vital for their survival.
Fascinating, isn’t it?
► You may be interested in reading: 4 intriguing facts about spring equinox